Tuesday, March 30, 2010

1. So, what did you do all day?:
I slept, and went to Centrelink, and hmm, I think that's it.

2. What is the most expensive thing you’ve bought recently?
Um, I don't even know what the last thing I bought was.

3. Last concert (or show) you attended:
Adam Harvey and Beccy Cole - The Rematch Tour.

4. Coolest thing you’ve gotten in the mail lately:
Have I gotten mail lately?

5. Describe your favorite article of clothing:
Probably my uber comfy pyjamas.

6. Last video game played:
Super Mario?

7. How many CDs do you have by any ONE artist or group?:
Um I'm going to go with probably around 10.

8. What’s for dinner?:
Oi Riannon, what are you cooking? I think she's out there doing chicken.

9. Do you have any collections?:
I collect, umm, anime and porcelain dolls and a lot of other stuff.

10. What was the last board game you played?:
I've no clue.

11. Who won?:
Not me?

12. Do you subscribe to any magazines?

13. Last movie you saw at a theater:
Umm, Valentine's Day.

14. Last movie you watched at home:
The Last Note?

15. Do you have any special traditions only you or your family does?
I'm guessing no.

16. What was the last thing you created:
A mess, in my room.

17. Are you reading any books right now?:
I'm reading a story online, so I guess sort of. I was reading a Laymon one but I finished it in like a day.

18. Do you remember your favorite book from childhood?:

19. What do you do when you can’t fall asleep?:
Get frustrated.

20. Have you ever randomly bumped into a actor/actress/or other generally famous person on the street?:
Not that I can recall.

21. Are you more likely to read a book you’ve never read before if it’s been made into a movie?:
I'm generally not picky about the books I read. If it interests me I might pick it up after seeing a movie.

22. Have you discovered what podcasts are yet? Do you have a favorite?:
Podcasts are epic. I'm subscribed to like 5 of them, most of them are abridges series. As for favourite, hmm, probably Death Note abridged.

23.What is your favorite kind of food that you only get to have once a year:
I don't have any foods that I only eat once a year.

24. What do you want to be when you are older?

25. Last dvd box set you bought?:
Inuyasha Part 2

26. Are there any musical artists that you used to like but don’t anymore because their style of music changed too much?:
Probably, I mean, I have a lot of shitty CD's in my case that I haven't listened to in like 6 years, no because they changed though, more because I got older and they sounded shitter.

27. If you had twins, boy and girl, what would you call them?
Dante and Aemilia

28. What food(s) do you go to the store for ASAP when you run out?:
I don't. I generally just wait until we go shopping.

29. Isn’t there another appropriate response for “I love you” besides “I love you, too.”?:
It really depends on the context that it's being said. I hate you is always fun.

30. List new artist that you listened to and really liked:
Hmm. Chris E Thomas is alright.

31. Last new one you hated:
I don't know.

32. In which country do you wish you’d been born?
I don't really wish I was born any where different.

33.Last road trip you had?
Not sure. Too long ago.

34. Do you like it when old ladies refer to you as “Dear”, or “Hon”, or “Sugar”?:
Apart from finding it weird, I don't have a problem with it.

35. What is a random physical flaw:
I have an epic chin

36. Share random fact about yourself:
I am amazing.

37. What’s the best field trip you ever went on?:
Hmm, definitely the sewage works...but really, the best would have to be, I don't know, I don't remember most of my excursions before year 11. We went to Wambangalang (?) in primary, that was pretty good.

38. Have you ever dressed up for Halloween at work?:

39. Do you have any clothes that you pilfered or inherited from your parents?:
Haha, definitely, I steal my mum's clothes constantly.

40. How old is “old” to you?:
Like 70.

41. What was the last free thing you’ve gotten?:
Not a clue. Dinner.

42. What’s your favorite black and white movie?:
I don't think I've ever watched a full black and white movie. Have I?

43. What color would you like to bleed?:
Hmm, black. It just seems like it would be epic. Like ink. Like octopuses, and they are cool.

44. Do you know any Furries?:
Haha, nope.

45. If you have a wall calender, what kind is it?:
I did have a 2007 KHS calendar, but I took it down about 2 weeks ago.

46. Have you ever been to a convention?:
Not that I recall.

47. If you were to dress up as a musician, which one would you be?:
I wouldn't.

48. What do you have on your walls in your room?
Photos, drawing, collages, quite a bit of stuff.

49. Ever have those moments when you realize that you somehow just cheated death?:
Me-1 Lightning-0 I win.

50. Do you have a secret you've never told anyone?

Saturday, March 27, 2010

1. What's the worst thing about hugs?
When people are really bad huggers.

2. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
I doubt it.

3. What did your day consist of?
Puzzling, blogging, watching TV, and sleeping.

4. Did you talk to anybody randomly today?

5. Did any particular thing brighten up your day?
Not really.

6. What's the stupidest thing you've ever done?
I don't want to talk about it.

8. If you could hug anyone right now, who would it be & why?
I would probably hug JB the first, simply because it would be funny.

9. Do you make every decision as if your parents are watching you?
No, they probably are, to them I guess hi.

12. Have you ever gotten the butterflies?

13. What were you doing at 12 last night?
I was sitting on the couch, computing and talking to my mum.

14. Do you sleep with socks or shoes on?
I sleep with socks on if it's cold or if I have blisters. And I only sleep with shoes on if I'm that tired I'm too lazy to remove them.

15. If you could change anything about your past would you?
I, maybe, I don't know any more.

16. Do you bail on people often?
Mostly I try not to. But it just depends on who it is and what time they expect me to be up to do things.

18. Do you consider yourself shy?
S'pose it depends on who I'm around. Usually I don't even come close to being shy.

19. Do you consider your best friend attractive?
She's pretty, yeah.

20. When was the last time you went ice skating?
I have never been ice skating.

22. Describe the perfect girlfriend/boyfriend in 3 words:
Not a douche?

23. Your team loses, do you watch the next game?
I don't have a particular team and I don't have rule over the TV, but yeah I would, I'm not going to be too phased if they lose, unless I have money on it.

25. Who was the last person you hugged?
My dad.

26. What was the last thing that made you smile?
Not a clue.

27. Have you ever been fired from a job?

28. Someone trips in front of you- what do you do?
"Okay?" Unless I know them, in which case I'd probably laugh and then ask.

29. Have you ever failed a class?

31. A person says they like you--you say:
I don't know, do I know them, is it a random, circumstances. Gah, what a silly question. I'll just say the I'd respond with a head tilt and a 'k'.

33. Do you like cuddling?

35. Are you really close with your parents?
We get on.

36. Do you go hunting?

37. Your friend's pregnant-you say?
"K. Cool. Boy or girl".

38. What's your favorite sport?
Hmm, that's hard. I'm going to go with Slider hockey.

39. Do you run often?
Not at all.

40. Who was your last text message from and what did it say?
Dad, and it only says K Cya

43. Do you plan on dressing up for halloween this year?
I doubt that.

45. What word starts with C:

46. What is your favorite day of the week and why?
Hmm, I'm going to say Saturday. Not for any real reason.

47. Do you have deja vu often?

48. Has your favorite color ever been pink or blue?
Yeah. It's been both at times.

49. Do you believe in true love?
Not particularly.

50. How many hoodies do you own?
Around about 5.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Colour Survey Thing

1. Are you currently mad at someone?
Not that I can think of.

2. Which of your friends has the worst temper?
Hmm, none of them are that bad when they get angry. Not really.

3. Have you ever thrown something at anyone?

4. Does your face turn red when you're angry?
Probably. Maybe that's what makes me getting angry so funny.

5. When you're mad do you prefer to stare angrily or yell/scream?
I guess it depends on who I'm mad at. And to a degree where I am. Usually I just scream at people.

1. Has anyone ever thrown you a suprise party?

2. Are you easily excited?
I suppose I can be.

3. What event is coming up that your most excited about?
Wow, not too much.

4. Which of your friends is most exciteable?
Probably Ava.

5. If you won a million quid what would be your first thought?
What's that in AUD.

6. If you could have anything right now what would it be?
The job I want.

1. Name?

2. Where were you born?

3. What's your main goal in life?
To be 'real' happy. Not 'I'm smiling, okay' happy.

4. Do you want to have children?

5. How do you want to die?
Doing something I'm clearly having fun doing. Like, I want to swim with sharks, it would be epic ironic to be eaten.

1. Sex before marriage?
I'm not opposed to it. It's not pre-marital sex if you don't plan on getting married.

2. Gay Marriage?
For sure. It's stupid that it's not allowed.

3. Lowering the drinking age?
They want to make it higher here. Though I'm not for or against either.

4. Capital Punishment?

5. Abortion?
I think it depends on the reason why. A well informed choice to abort, for sure. But not one that isn't fully thought about.

6. Recycling?
I generally do that every few weeks, when the coke bottles get to be too much.


1. What was your latest dream?
Not a clue.

2. Which of your friends do you dream about the most?
I don't know. I usually don't dream about too many of my friends.

3. Have any of your dreams come true?
I'm quite sure that they haven't.

4. Do you usually remember your dreams?
Depends on what they are. If they're silly and have morals like the one the other night then I do, or if they're nightmares.

5. What was the weirdest dream you've ever had?
I don't have normal dreams.

1. Straight, Gay, Bi?

2. Do you have a bf/gf?

3. Do you have a crush?
Not particularly.

4. Who is the best "hugger" that you know?
I don't think I know a best hugger. I know some people who are really really good huggers though. They're awesome.

5. Do you believe in Love at first sight?
Not at all.

6. Have you ever been in love?
Honestly? I don't know. I think I can claim teenage love. Which in a way means something. I don't however think I can claim unconditional love, as much as I'd love to say I could.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Some boy/girl thing I stole off of Cynthia like all my quizzes.

My Boy Side

[X] You love hoodies.
[X] You love jeans.
[ ] Dogs are better than cats.
[X] It's hilarious when people get hurt.
[X] You've played with/against boys on a team.
[ ] Shopping is torture. dear god why!??!?!
[X] Sad movies suck.
[ ]You own an X-Box.
[ ] Played with Hotwheels cars as a kid.XD
[ ] At some point in time you wanted to be a firefighter.
[ ] You own a DS, PS2 or Sega. (DS and PS2)
[] You used to be obsessed with Power Rangers.
[ ] You watch sports TV.
[ ] Gory movies are cool.(H*LL YUH)
[] You go to your dad for advice.
[ ] You own like a trillion baseball caps.
[ ] You like going to football games.
[ ] You used to/do collect baseball cards.
[ ] Baggy pants are cool to wear.
[X] It's kinda weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people.
[X] Green, black, red, blue, or silver are one of your favorite colors.
[X] You love to go crazy and not care what people think.
[ ] SPORTS are fun.
[X] Talk with food in your mouth.

Total boy side:9.

My Girl Side

[ ] You wear lip gloss.
[ ] You love to shop.
[ ] You wear eyeliner.
[ ] You have some of the same shirts in different colors.
[ ] You wear the color pink.
[ ] Go to your mom for advice.
[ ] You consider cheerleading a sport.
[ ] You hate wearing the color black.
[ ] You like hanging out at the mall.
[ ] You like getting manicures and/or pedicures.
[ X] You like wearing jewelry.
[ ] Skirts are a big part of your wardrobe.
[ ] Shopping is one of your favorite hobbies.
[X] You don't like the movie Star Wars.
[ ] You are/were in cheerleading, gymnastics or dance.
[ ] It takes you around 1 hour to shower, get dressed,/ and put on make-up and accessories
[ X] You smile a lot more than you should.
[ ] You have more than 10 pairs of shoes.
[ ] You care about what you look like.
[ ] You like wearing dresses when you can.
[X] You like wearing body spray/perfume.
[X] Used to play with dolls as little kid.
[ ] Like putting make-up on someone else for the joy of it.
[ ] Like taking pictures of yourself with your cell phone/camera when you're bored.

Total girl side: 5

I should be surprised by this, being as I am a girl, but really I'm not at all.