Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Do you tell your best friends everything?
I try not to.

What were the last two TV shows you watched?
Fully- Dexter and maybe NCIS or Simpsons.

If you had a pet penguin what would you call it?
I would call it Ranga, obviously.

Who's a celebrity you find extremely attractive?
Johnny Depp

What are you looking forward to?
End of March.

And why might that be?
Umm, no reason really.

Something you say often?

What are you wearing on your feet?

What colour are your fingernails?
Black and silver sparkles.

What phone do you have?
Some form of Sony Ericsson.

What are your favourite lyrics right now?
More than This- Shane Mack. It's like 'at least I loved enough to hurt'

Things you first notice about the opposite sex:
Shoes, weird I know, but if they don't have appealing shoes than I don't care.

Last time you were disappointed?
About a week ago.

Do you like being in pictures?
*is a poser*

Do you tend to fall for people easily?
Not really. I tend to try not to let people in any more.

Is your bedroom window open?
It's going to rain, no.

When was the last time you fell?
Not sure.

Who are the last 3 missed calls on your phone?
Tiarne, Patrick and Optus. I think.

What were you doing at 10:00am?
Sitting in my Chemistry class.

What do you hear right now?
The T.V.

What would I find if I looked UNDER your bed?
Boxes, an under the bed storage thing, some old school bags, shoes, a few tennis balls.

Something that happened today that made you angry?
It was school photo day, but nah not really. Nothing I recall.

Marriage or living together?
I want to get married.

What shirt are you wearing now?
A white polo shirt, school uniform.

Do you sing?
I do, I shouldn't.

Do you talk about your feelings or hide them?
Depends on what the feelings are. I generally try to hide anger and sadness, most of that gets taken out at bowling. If I like someone, that's usually for the world to know.

First thing you do when you wake up?
Slam my hand on my phone.

Ever had surgery?

Last person you argued with?
I think Andrew Gray.

Last picture message you recieved?
One from Patrick I think. He sent me a thong slap. I sent me one from Tegan but I don't think that counts.

Do you tend to rip the paper off water bottles?

How long does it take for you to fall asleep at night?
Awhile, depends whether I have music or the computer going.

When you shut off your alarm clock, do you tend to fall back asleep?
It keeps going, otherwise I would.

What are you looking forward to in the next few months?

It's 10PM, who are you texting?
Probably Patrick

It's Wednesday afternoon, where are you usually?
Rushing to get to bowling.

What does your fifth text message say?
"Lol. For you. Now id better get to work. Bye."

Do you prefer shoes, socks, or bare feet?
Bare feet.

Do you know how to play poker?

What's so good about Friday?
Nothing. It's my worst day.

Any plans for this week?
Homework, assignments. That's it.

What's your favourite thing to spend money on?
Most of my money goes to bowling.

Are you nervous?

Are you in a relationship?
[I don't know.] < That was the last person's answer. To that wth. Me I am not in a relationship.

What is the last thing that amused you?
Today's year 12 muck up photo.

Have you ever liked someone who treated you like crap?
Not that I think. Most people would say differently and that "he was an asshole and anti social". I think stfu.

Name something you dislike about yesterday?
No idea. I failed my maths exam.

Could you forgive your best friend for sleeping with your bf/gf?
I'm not sure. I guess to keep the piece I would say it is all ok, and blame the bf, but really I would still hate them.

Where did you last sleep other than your house?
My aunt's lounge.

What is your favourite Nickelback song?
Photograph, or If Everyone Cared.

Where did you last go out of your house?

This heading just made me have to do this- when it says not to chicken out I assume they could have some funny personal questions.

Does your Facebook password have to do with a boy?:
Not at all. Haha. It is a combination of *&$^# symbols and numbers.

What's one thing a guy can do to make you like them?:
If they can make me smile, or profusely laugh just by being themselves.

Big or small purses?:
Mines small.

Do you enjoy drama?:
It's an inbetweenish thing.

Did you dress up on Halloween?:
Yes, I went to a party.

Do you call anybody by their last name?:
Yeah, I know a heap of people by last name only.

Can you put on mascara without opening your mouth?:
I don't put on mascara so I don't know.

Have you ever been called a bad influence?:
I don't think so. It wouldn't surprise me though.

Eyeliner or mascara?:

American Eagle or Hollister?
Again, neither

Heels or Flats?
I prefer flats, unless it's formal, in which case heels.

Straight or curly hair?:
I have straight, but I really like curly.

Hoops or dangling earrings?:
I rather just sleepers. I can't wear much more without risking infection.

Have you ever had your heart broken?:
Haha, yes.

Do you prefer light or dark haired guys?:
Dark hair.

Do you like your life?:
I don't think I can complain really.

Ever walked into the guy's bathroom?:
Bleh, yeah.

Have you ever jumped in the pool with your clothes on?:
I've been crash tackled into a pool with clothes on, and I jumped in in a thunder storm once.

Ever slapped a guy in the face?:
Yes, but punching is more efficient.

Have you ever not been able to get someone off of your mind?:

Do you ever wish you were famous?:
Gosh, no. I would hate people having to know everything about my entire life. Frustrating much.


Contacts or Glasses?:
Not fussed either way.

Long or short hair?:
Kind of in between.

Cute or Hot?:

Smoker or non-smoker?:
I prefer non smoker.

Tall or short?:

You're stuck on an elevator with the person you've fallen the hardest for, what happens?:
Not much, there is one of two possibilities of who the person is so let's delve. Person 1 is like one of my best friends, is a good day, and we would sit there and chat. Person 2 I'm probably there biggest enemy, so it would be awkward and I would get really nervous and babble and then just shutup.

Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?:
*cough* person one in last sentence. I'd so get with him.


If you woke up in one of the Saw movies, do you think you could survive?:
I'm not sure. Depends which trap I am faced with.

When is the last time you were in a photo booth taking pictures with friend?:
Ages ago.

Have you ever seen someone you knew and purposely avoided seeing them?:
Yeah. Mainly because I was busy or in reality I don't want to see them.

Do you know anyone with such a terribly annoying voice that you can't even stand it?:

On average, what do you think you cry about the most?
I'm not sure.

Who was the last guy you talked to?:
My CAFS teacher.

Do you think best friends can be replaced?:
To find best friends like mine again would take a hell of a lot of time. I wouldn't even want to replace them really.

Does the last person you held hands with mean a lot?:
Yeah I guess so.

Do you think you have made a difference in anyone's life?:
I'm not sure. I gave someone the courage to do something, does that count?

Which of your friends is the easiest to talk to?:
Sarai, and Pat.

What best friend do you tell the most?:

Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?:
Sarai the other day.

Where's the weirdest place you've changed clothes?:
Oh gosh. A car, school, oh, a park.

Are you going anywhere next summer?:
Don't know yet.

Are you waiting for anyone's call right now?:
I want them to call. I doubt they will.

Are you shy?:
No. Definitely not.

Are you talkative?:
Sometimes. I think people should just say shutup because I say some of the stupidest things.

Do you announce when you have to pee?:
Depends, if I really have to pee it's usually a would you get out of the way I gotta pee.

Who was the last person you cried in front of?:
*shifty eyes* I try not to do the cry in front of people thing. Maybe Lindsay.

Where was the last place you went away to? :
Lewis Ponds isn't far enough, Adelaide.

*thinks this wasn't as personal as I thought it would be*