Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Question 1, I Guess =/

20 day challenge.

01. Are you in a relationship right now? If so, tell us about your other half. If not, share with us why you feel you’re single.

No. This "challenge" is going to be darned hilarious to me. So generally I'm not at all looking, I don't care much for people and people tend not to care much for me because I'm a bitch. Also I tend to not care about others feelings, or have any tact, that has become quite an issue in the past as well. Honestly though I find I'm more contented with the single thing because it's less demanding on me, as horrible as that sounds.

Just as a small note, just because this says "20 days" doesn't mean it will take me 20 days, this could take me like 3 months. I'll do it whenever I check my reader and see Cynthia did hers and get reminded I should update mine. That's all.

Apparently A Challenge

20 day challenge.
01. Are you in a relationship right now? If so, tell us about your other half. If not, share with us why you feel you’re single.
02. What is your dream person like?
03. Your definition of love.
04. A picture that shows your definition of love
05. Go to this site: http://www.afo.net/hftw-lovetest.asp and take the quiz about love languages. Post your results. Were you surprised by this?
06. Your first love, in great detail
07. Your first kiss
08. A letter to your first love
09. A letter to your most recent love
10. A letter to the person you hope will be your last love
11. Your dream first date
12. Top 10 Favorite Love songs
13. A song you’d want to hear at your wedding
14. Your first crush, in great detail
15. Your favorite quote about love
16. Your favorite movie about love
17. Do you want to get married one day? If so, describe your dream ready. If not, why not?
18. A note to the person in your family that you love the most
19. A note to the friend that you love the most.
20. Your definition of the different types of love.

For ones own sanity I wouldn't take some of what I say as particularly serious.