Friday, August 20, 2010

Some Facebook Quiz Thing.

50 Little Secrets.
Be honest no matter what. [because it is definitely important you reveal all of your secrets to facebook children].

01. Who was your last text from?
Jess I think.

02. Where was your default picture taken?
This is a facebook thing, so that one is from Sarike's, my blogger one though, is from my 18th.

03. Your relationship status?

04. Have you ever lost a close friend?

05. What is your current mood?
Slightly sleepy.

06. How many siblings do you have?

07. Whats your brother(s)/sister(s) names?
Riannon, Dayne and Katrina.

08. Where do you wish you were right now?
My nice comfy bed.

09. Have a crazy side?
I don't have a normal side.

10. Ever had a near death experience?
Ellen and I nearly got hit by lightning. :)

11. Something you do a lot?
These last few days. Maths.

12. Angry at anyone?
No, nobody deserves my anger.

13. What's stopping you from going for the person you like?
Their preference I suppose.

14. When was the last time you cried?
Last night, I was laughing so hard.

15. Is there anyone you would do anything for?

16. What you think about when you are falling asleep?.
Depends on how tired I am and what's happened that day.

17. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
Martin and Shelley...?

18. What is your favorite song?
I don't have one, it's different every week really.

19. What are you doing right now?
Talking to my mum =]

20. Who do you trust right now?
I trust everyone until they give me reason not to.

21. Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?
I'm pretty sure it came from Best and Less.

22. Have you kissed someone in the past week?

23. Who is your friend that lives closest to you?

24. Describe your life in one word?

25. Who are you thinking of right now?
The people from Uni.

26. What should you be doing right now?
Sleeping, my Uni work, anything but this really.

27. What are you listening to?
The TV.

28. Who was the last person who gave you a hug?
Rochelle I think.

29. Who was the last person who yelled at you?
Not a clue.

30. Do you act differently around the person you like?
Not really, but sort of. Simply because he's different.

31. What is your natural hair color?

32. Who was the last person to make you laugh?
Probably Jess or Riannon.

33. Who was the last person to make you sad?
I don't have a clue/

34. What do you hear?
Still the TV .

35. Is your hair curly or straight?
Completely straight.

36. Has anyone ever called you "scrumptious" before?
Haha, yes. <3

37. Do you have a best friend?
I think so...?

38. Held hands with the opposite sex in the past 3 days?

39. Do you use smiley faces on the computer?

40. Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?
Pretty sure I have.

41. Are you happy with life right now?

42. Are you currently jealous?
I have nothing to be jealous of.

43. What jewelry are you currently wearing?
I have a ring and a bracelet on.

44. What were you doing on Friday night?
I was teaching Jess math.

45. Have you ever had your heart broken?
I suppose I have.

46. Have you ever broken someone's heart?
I made him cry, so I guess.

47. Is there anybody you're really disappointed in right now?
I don't think so.

48. What was the last reason you went to the doctor for?
I had an annoying appendix.

49. How late did you stay up last night and why?
Around 1. I was up talking.

50. Have you ever dated someone longer than a year?
I'm going to say 2 people. Simply because it was like 5 days off being a year, and only because the words hadn't been spoken in person.

The Last of This "Challenge"

17. Do you want to get married one day? If so, describe your dream ready. If not, why not?
Yes. Though I couldn't describe a perfect wedding. Simply tell you that it would be far from traditional.

18. A note to the person in your family that you love the most
This is really hard, I don't love someone the most. They're all awesome. So I guess my letter would be something like.

I find you kind of awesome.

19. A note to the friend that you love the most.
Umm, I'm sorry. I guess. I should have said something. You probably haven't even noticed.

20. Your definition of the different types of love.
In what aspects. I'm going to do this my way.

There's a hell of a lot of different types of love. The love of parent to child - Mostly unbreakable. The love of two children - I believe this is cute. The love of a teenager - Infatuation. Or the love of two adults - I say unsteady. And then there is the love of an older couple- this is pretty much truly unbreakable.

Then there is the other "form" of love. And everyone has a different definition of this.

14, 15, 16

14. Your first crush, in great detail
I'm not entirely sure when it starts counting as a crush. I'll give you two stories, you decide. One, I was 7. His name was Kenneth, I wrote him a letter about how we should sneak out and have sex at the most expensive restaurant in town. It went on to say that I loved him and blah blah blah. Now I was 7, and clearly unsheltered as hell. I don't believe it counts.

However when I was 12 I had a crush on the biggest player in my primary school. He made it half way through the girls in our year. His name was Andrew. I wanted him for like 2 years. I was a total douche to him, especially when it came to his failure to bowl, it was hilarious. One time he ended up with an icepack on his penis for half a day when me and my friends stole, I can't even remember what, probably a football or something. Anyway we sat on top of the monkey bars and he failed to climb up, fell and landed on the ladder. He was awesome, though a total and utter douchebag, my best friend had a thing for him too, we pacted to not do anything about it. I'm fb friends with him now.

15. Your favorite quote about love
I don't really have a favourite. Give me a moment to hunt through my photos.

I do believe this perfectly sums things up.

16. Your favorite movie about love
I Love You Too. Or Love Actually. Both are utterly amazing. So is Shelter. So there's 3. They are all awesome in different ways. One should check them all out.