Friday, August 20, 2010

The Last of This "Challenge"

17. Do you want to get married one day? If so, describe your dream ready. If not, why not?
Yes. Though I couldn't describe a perfect wedding. Simply tell you that it would be far from traditional.

18. A note to the person in your family that you love the most
This is really hard, I don't love someone the most. They're all awesome. So I guess my letter would be something like.

I find you kind of awesome.

19. A note to the friend that you love the most.
Umm, I'm sorry. I guess. I should have said something. You probably haven't even noticed.

20. Your definition of the different types of love.
In what aspects. I'm going to do this my way.

There's a hell of a lot of different types of love. The love of parent to child - Mostly unbreakable. The love of two children - I believe this is cute. The love of a teenager - Infatuation. Or the love of two adults - I say unsteady. And then there is the love of an older couple- this is pretty much truly unbreakable.

Then there is the other "form" of love. And everyone has a different definition of this.

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