Friday, January 16, 2009

*Emotional side*

1. When you are stressed, what is the first thing you do?
Put my hands to my head and like scream almost.

2. Does crying really make things better or worse?
Iono, sometimes worse. Because it makes you actually think about what's happened.

3. Is there anyone you can tell everything too?
Bleh. Not really.

4. What calms you down the most?
Music. I'm quite sure that I'd be a mass murderer right now if it weren't for my constant music.

5. Any kind of music that makes you feel better?
My entire collection is pretty good, just depends on what annoyed me.

6. Are you generally a happy person?
When people don't frustrate me.

7. What or who puts the biggest smile on your face?
No idea.

8. Do you ever over-react on the smallest things?
I think I did that yesterday.

9. Ever suffer from bad depression or anxiety?

10. Mad about something?
I was about an hour ago.

11. Happy about something?
I'm kinda content.

*Loving side*

1. Currently with someone?

2. Happy about that?
Not particularly, being the reason me and my ex broke up was pretty stupid.

3. How long now?
Erm, nearly a month. Maybe it is a month. Iono.

4. Have you married this person or got engaged?
If we were older maybe it would have been an option. Being as we were together nearly a year.

5. Like to cuddle?
Kinda depends there. I freak when people randomly touch me.

6. Do you like sensitivity?
Provided they are not smug and annoying about it.

7. Is your partner open about their feelings towards you?

8. Still in love?
Oh yeah.

9. Do looks really matter?
Not really. I guess to a degree yes.

10. If they don’t like your family or friends, does that really matter?
Not really all that much. I only have a few close friends and their opinion somewhat matters. If my family and friends don't like them it might matter.

11. Who starts the most arguments?
Haha....I did. Always. He would never start an argument. It kind of pissed me off. Irony.

*Friendly side*

1. Have besties in your life?
A few.

2. Who are they?

3. Do you see them a lot?
At school. Other than that no.

4. Do they like the guy/girl you are with?
They thought he was quiet. The friends who mattered thought he was "ok"

5. Which one lives the furthest away? Sydney.

6. Do you get along with everyone?
I talk to pretty much anyone, so I cope whether I like them or not.

7. Are you too nice of a person towards people?
I doubt this a little. I don't think before I talk.

8. Would you give anything to someone in need of help?
I'm really bad in situations where people are upset. I shy away because I don't know what to do and think they are acting irrationally to the situation.

9. Would you consider ever getting a tattoo of your bff on you?
No offence to any of them but god no.

10. What about your partner

11. Know anyone two-faced?
Of course. Me included sometimes.

*Physical Side*

1. Are you a lover or fighter?
Depends. I don't mind confrontation when it fixes things.

2. Ever been in a fist-fight?
Oh, wow, yes.

3. Have you been in a abusive relationship?
Physically no.

4. Are you more likely to verbally fight or physically fight?
Verbally, then I punch walls and anything else rather than people.

5. Do you consider yourself in shape?
Round is certainly a shape.

6. What features do you wish to change?
I love me...but umm...gawsh. Legs...?

7. Ever have anything from your body removed?
Not that I recall.

*your weird side*

1. Ever wonder what was on the “other side”?
I don't believe in heaven or hell...not really. But I guess maybe there might be something. I don't really care that much.

2. Believe there is a heaven?
I answered that last question. Heaven is what you make of Earth. If that makes sense.

3. Seen UFO’S lately?
Haha. No.

4. Wonder if animals can talk?
Birds are an animal so technically this question is all animals talk to each other, just not in English, rather sounds. So VOID.

5. What about the loch ness monster?
I think this story is interesting. It would be awesome to know it was true and some prehistoric water dinosaur was living there or something. Though it would have to live for a very long time.

6. Can you watch horror movies by yourself in the dark?
I love doing this. I get horrific nightmares sometimes. None the less it is still fun.

7. Are your doors always locked at night?
Most of the time.

8. Ever sing in front of the mirror?

9. Name something you do that you normally won’t admit because it is strange:
I don't know. Gosh. I pretty much don't care if it's strange I tell people anyway.

10. Ever believe that there was little green men that take your stuff and hide it while you sleep?

11. Ever wander if stars are people we lost?
Not really. I've never thought about it. I have heard the idea before, and that the star disappears when they are reincarnated. It's cute and all but I don't really believe it's true.

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