Friday, January 2, 2009

Is your best friend a virgin?
I'm pretty sure she's preganant, or one of them is. I'm sure the other ones are virgins.

Would you eat a cockroach for your last ex if they asked you?

What friend do you tell the most to?
Umm, not sure. I tell everybody things equally, but maybe Sarai.

How's your heart lately?
Getting by.

What are you listening to right now?
An ad on TV

Have you ever punched a hole in the wall?
I have done. And kicked a few.

Where were you at 2:00 this morning?
My room.

Where's the weirdest place you've changed clothes?
Umm, not sure. Myabe running across the backyard.

Do you wear glasses?

What's in your cd player?
Nothing atm. I just took out Tania Kernagahn a few days ago.

Anything annoying you right now?
Noone beng online that I want to talk to.

If you could do something differently in your past, would you go back?

What will you be doing in a half hour?

Who is the last person you talked to on the phone with?

Do you have plans today ?
It's already night time.

Are you waiting for anyone's call right now?
I would be, but he has a friend over.

Do you regret something you did yesterday?
Not that I recall.

How many windows are open on your computer?
One. Though a few tabs.

Story behind your msn name?
Erm, well it says: JC- <3 East West Emos! I (L) you Bettie, my Stannies girlfriend. Venimus, vidimus, comemus tui crustuli.

So the first bit, the east west emos, we wanted to maks a mock of people from like the east sides and west sides, and then be happy emos. Bettie is my friend, and Stannies is an all boys school. Hence rendering that non sensical. The last part says we came, we saw, we ate your cookies. I thought it was funny.

Are you sarcastic?
Not really.

When was the last time you smiled?
A little while ago.

What are you looking forward to?
Sunday. Just for the lolz factor.

Do you fall for people easily?
I think that you fall harder each time. Especially long term. And yeah I fall easily because of that.

How late did you stay up last night and why?
About 12ish. I was really sleepy.

What is wrong with you right now?
Lack of motivation, and boredom.

Do you believe you can only be friends with an ex?
What's the other options, friends with benefits, or getting back together? Because that makes little sense, but I believe with exes whatever happens happens, but you should at least try and be friends.

How many months are there until your birthday?
About 9 and a half.

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