Sunday, June 21, 2009


A-re you single?: Ja

B-uy your own clothes?: Most of the time.

C-an you lick your elbow?: I'm not going to try because I know I can't.

D-escribe the perfect guy/girl: I couldn't.

E-ver puked after a roller coaster?: Nope. Roller coasters are awesome.

F-riends with benefits are OK, right?: Saying yes makes me sound like a whore though. So I'll go, personally having a friend with benefits isn't really all that much of a big deal in my opinion. Each to their own.

G-ood looks are the most important thing?: Not really.

H-ave you said “I love you” and meant it?: Certainly.

I-s Facebook your lifeline?: Wouldn't that make life easy. No, it isn't, it's just my escape from reality, MouseHunt win!

J-ealousy can be described as: horrible, in the right amounts though it can be good, I think 99% of people get jealous at some stage, it's really how they deal with it.

K-iss and tell?: 2 years later for TMI, otherwise, no. (I think I just got my next weeks TMI post)

L-ife isn’t worth living if: Life is always worth living, what sort of a question is that.

M-oments you share with whom are unforgettable?: My family and friends.

N-ever: Crash tackle me, (seriously boys that shit hurts)

O-ver your latest ex?: (with no doubt he's reading this) No.

P-erson who makes you laugh the hardest: A few people make me laugh really hard, so I'll just say my friends, and my brother, because all of them are pretty darned hilarious at times.

Q-ueen Bee in the 3rd grade was: *thinks back to third grade* I think my teacher was Miss Murray, and it was around about that time that I met up with Charlene after the "populars" ditched her, so I'm going to guess it was a girl called Kirsty, seeing as she seemed to be the leader of that group.

R-andom quote you love: "Friends are like potatoes, if you eat them, they die" It makes no sense, that's why it's awesome.

S-een any good movies lately?: I haven't really watched any movies lately, so I'm going to go for Animé series and say I've seen Death Note recently, and that was just intense.

T-he first friend you ever had was: Michael and Laura (it was kind of semi combined, we met all met up at the same time)

U-nder what circumstances would you cheat on your (imaginary) partner?: Under these circumstances I entirely refuse to answer this question. :P

V-ery awkward situations make you: Smile. I love it when people catch me off guard and stuff. I get nervous for a little and think about the awkwardness, but usually a situation is only awkward if you make it, so if you laugh people wonder what the hell just happened. Well my friends do, they are weird <3

W-hat does your ideal dinner consist of: A bowl of Mac and Cheese with some chicken in it. Win!

X-boy/girlfriends are good for: Depends. Some are good for nothing, others are good for being friends.

Y-our best advice on life is: Don't stress the little things.

Z-ebra print?: Or not.

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