I wouldn't, done it before. It's just a pain because it's not a big window.
2. Who was the last person to text you?
3. Do you like sneezing, or do you hate that feeling?
It annoys me when you need to sneeze and can't. Otherwise it doesn't phase me to sneeze or not.
4. What is your favourite room in your house?
The blue room. I don't know why I just feel oddly calm in there.
5. What was the last thing you had to drink?
Hot chocolate.
6. Would you ever want a pet llama?
Umm, I think it would be strange, but pretty cool.
7. Do you like those pants with words on the bum?
I have no preference for them, but I don't have anything against them either.
8. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
Erm, no idea. I think it could have been my dad.
9. What colour are you going to paint your nails next?
10. When was the last time you cried?
A couple days back.
11. What are you doing right now?
This, and reading Falling Beyond Redemption.
12. How’s your brother doing today?
He's surely okay. He was texting my mum before. I wonder if he got his job though.
13. What is the closest living thing to you right now?
My sister.
14. Do fish make good pets?
Depends on the type of fish, I tend to kill fish.
15. Have you ever had to share a room?
16. When you go to university/college, are you going to live in residence?
I plan on living on campus, with other people, if that's what the question is implying.
17. Why are so many people interested in photography these days?
They think they are amazing and that they can take excellent photographs. Plus it's good fun.
18. Do you like Kanye West?
I don't have an opinion about him.
19. Is your dad an all-around handyman?
He gives anything a go, some things he isn't so good at fixing at others.
20. When was the last time you were bitten by a dog?
When I stuck my hand in my dogs mouth playing not too long ago.
21. Do you like ice cream cake?
22. What was your funniest experience with an animal?
I have no idea.
23. Did you know that 23 is David Beckham’s number?
I didn't no nor do I really care.
24.Do you even like David Beckham?
"Nor do I really care"
25. Do you know how much effort it takes to think up all these questions?
I certainly do, don't think you're the only one who has written a quiz before.
26. Are you high right now?
27. Do you like to go to dances?
I think they are tolerable, it really depends on the kind of dance that it is.
28. Are you in high school?
For the last part of this week.
29. Are you currently single?
Certainly am.
30. What's your favourite number?
For odd reasoning I have a fascination with the number 3.
31. What was the worst thing a person did to you?
Oh shit, I don't really want to answer this. Let's just say it's probably what really killed me and made me who I am.
32. What would you do if they did the same thing again?
I wouldn't allow it, I'm not the silly 14 year old I was. Though I guess as much as I'd love to say that I would be better this time I know I wouldn't and I'd just let them take me down and give them silent consent to not hurt them.
33. What colour is your shirt?
It's black. I really should be wearing something else because I was meant to bowl today but I don't fancy going.
34. What kind of cell phone do you own?
I own two. A Motorola and a Sony Ericsson.
35. Are you in a driver’s course? Name some people in your course.
I'm not, though I should probably be and bother to get my licence.
36. Who is your role model?
I don't particularly have one. Though if I had to look up to anyone it would likely be family.
37. Does your school have a hockey team? City, Country or school?
I think it does. I wouldn't really know though.
38. Would you ever date someone who was on a sports team?
It wouldn't phase me.
39. Who’s car were you last in that wasn’t family?
40. Who’s your best friend(s)?
I have a couple of people I consider that closely.
41. Ready to fall in love?
Ready to do the opposite?
42. Favourite reality show to watch?
Reality T.V. is the lowest kind of low to watch. I cannot stand it, though it is constantly on in the house. If I wanted to know about reality I would walk my arse out the front door and take an interest in that.
43. How have you felt today?
Tired and lazy
44. When’ s the last time you showered?
Last night.
45. Have you ever kissed anyone who was older than you?
46. What colour are most of the doors in your house?
White, or a creamy colour.
47. What are you excited for?
The finishing of school, my HSC, the grad.
48. Do you like raking leaves?
I actually do, I haven't done it in ages, I remember being little and jumping in them just after they were all nicely stacked.
49. What about jumping in big piles of leaves?
"I remember being little and jumping in them just after they were all nicely stacked"- I should stop answering questions ahead of time.
50. What song are you listening to?
None at the moment.
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