No. You couldn't pay me enough to do this.
02. Which was better; the last book you read or the last movie you watched?
The last book I read. Books usually are better anyway.
03. Was the last dream you remember having a good one?
Never really is.
04. Do you have a favourite pick-up line? What is it?
I have favourite rejection lines. But not really pick-up lines.
05. Would you rather see Where The Wild Things Are or Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs?
I don't know the latter one, so I'll go with Where The Wild Things Are, simply because it was an awesome story.
06. Was the last animal you saw wild or domesticated?
Domesticated. Silly Ebony.
07. If you want to get married, how would you like to be proposed to? Or if you're a boy, how do you want to propose to your future spouse?
I don't know. Nothing overly cheesy, because I would surely ruin the moment by laughing at them.
08. Have you ever willingly listened to a James Taylor song?
Certainly have. I have one in my library. It's an awesome song too.
09. Did you win the last board game you played?
Doubt it.
10. When was the last time you drank something with ice in it?
11. Who's your favourite Muppet?
Kermit was a mad chop.
12. Do you use Notepad a lot?
I use word more often, though I do use literal notepads pretty often.
13. What do you think of the new version of iTunes?
I rather the old one.
14. Calvin and Hobbes or Peanuts?
Calvin and Hobbes, definitely.
15. If you have a favourite sports team, do you like their home or away uniforms better?
I'm not interested in their uniforms, but if I had to pick, I'd probably say the away.
16. Do either of your parents have any tattoos?
None that I am aware of.
17. Subtract the last digit in your phone number from your age. What number do you get?
Which phone number. The choices are 18, 9 or 10.
18. Assuming you have a YouTube account, what was the last video you favourited?
Not sure, maybe Hank Green *looks* Or Christopher Mast, both good singers.
19. What was the last song you danced to?
I think Twenty to One. Bahahaha.
20. Which season premiere were/are you most excited for this year?
None, I was wanting NCIS to come back, but I looked up the plot online. I'm not big on T.V. these days.
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