If you were drunk and couldn't walk, would the person you last kissed, take care of you?
If I was drunk and couldn't walk it's probably because the ass put alcohol in my drink without my knowledge, so sure he'd "take care of me" in a way that he thought appropriate.
What do you prefer skittles or starbursts?
Skittles. Definitely.
Are you a big fan of snowstorms or thunderstorms?
I've never seen a snowstorm. But thunderstorms are amazing.
Has anyone recently told you something you didn't want to hear?
I want to hear everything.
Did you wake up in the middle of the night last night?
I woke up about a million times last night, and this morning. I miss my bed.
Is there anything you want to get pierced?
There is. But I looked it up, I shouldn't have done that.
Do you make smart decisions?
Mostly no.
Ever felt like you hit rock bottom?
I'm sure I have.
Do you prefer purple or green grapes?
What are you eating right now?
I'm not. I did just have toast though.
Is there a girl that knows everything about you?
I believe noone knows everything.
Is there someone on your mind that shouldn't be?
It's not that they shouldn't be there. Just I don't want them to be.
Do you know anyone that smokes pot?
Yeah o_O
Honestly, has anyone seen you in your underwear in the past three months?
Pretty sure I pulled my pants off in front of my Mum a few hours ago.
Are any of your friends virgins?
Does that bother you?
Not at all. Some of my friends don't count as "legal".
Is it easy to pretend everything’s okay for you?
Certainly. It makes people go away.
Has anyone ever cheated on you?
The last person you kissed calls you, what are they calling for?
Well I'll be fucked. I don't even know how they got my number. This is awkward.
Who has the ability to hurt you the most emotionally?
My family. I guess.
In your defense, do you think there is ever an excuse for cheating?
In my defence, there was no excuse for what I did. None.
You're rude, aren't you?
Oh no. What sort of question is this.
Are you spending the weekend with the last person you kissed?
Eww no.
If you could, would you hookup with the last person you texted?
I wouldn't.
Do you hate the last male you had a conversation with?
He's the most awesome person I know. Of course I don't hate him.
The person you have the strongest feelings for dies, do you care?
If I don't care then I honestly pity the people I have the weakest feelings for when they die.
Is it possible to be single and happy?
Are you happy with the way things are going?
I suppose.
Do you change your phone background a lot?
I changed it when I got a new phone, that was it.
Did you sleep alone last night?
Is there someone you just can't imagine your life without?
Waiting for something?
Will you have a boyfriend/ girlfriend in 6 months?
I think my last comment to something like this mentioned my balls.
Don't you just love waking up to good morning texts?
I really do.
Would you date someone who was addicted to drugs?
Will you talk to someone on the phone tonight?
It's been past tonight.
Would you be shocked if the last person you kissed text messaged you?
Did you not read when I said I would be totally bothered if he called me. He doesn't have my number.
If you were a fish what's the first thing you'd do?
Do you always get rained on?
Nah, Rihanna lets me stand under her Umbrella <--- I'm leaving this, simply because I found it to be a hilarious answer.
How's life?
It's good.
What's annoying you at the moment?
The fact that I don't have a picture to put up on my blog.
What are you listening to?
Proactiv commercial.
Do you like screamo?
Is the last person you kissed male or female?
Are they a virgin?
They aren't.
Have most your kisses this year been drunken kisses or sober kisses?
They were all sober.
When was the last time you got really really intoxicated?
I don't drink.
Do you like television?
Is their someone you want to yell at?
I don't want to yell at them. I want to calmly smash a brick into their face.
Doesn't it just annoy you when the person you like, likes someone else?
I'll survive.
Been thinking about someone lately?
I don't have time to think.
Last person you had a really good conversation with?
JB the second. Definitely.
Last person you text messaged?
Something you miss?
Someone you miss?
The people.
What's the best thing in you life?
The people.
Your favourite piece of clothing?
My jacket,
Looking forward to anything?
I suppose.
What are you doing this weekend?
The weekend is half gone. I guess we'll see what I do with the rest of it.
Current mood?
How many days till your next birthday?
Ever been so drunk someone had to carry you?
Does anyone disgust you?
A few people disgust me.
Do you say sorry first?
Can you honestly say you're okay right now?
I can't, no.
Where is the person you miss the MOST right now?
Do you like to play with fire?
I do.
What color is the carpet in the room your in right now?
Like a grey colour.
What age do you want to get married at?
I'm not that phased.
Do you think someone is talking smack about you behind your back?
I have no doubt they are. I'm an arsehole.
First movie you ever saw at the theater?
Not a clue.
What's your normal bedtime?
Depends on the night. Usually between 11 and 12 though.
Do your pets sleep with you?
I don't have pets. But my cat it welcome to when I'm in Bathurst.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Is the last person you kissed a virgin? He wishes.
Do you miss the way things used to be between you and someone else? I suppose.
Can you honestly say that things are running smoothly for you? I can say they are going alright.
What's the last thing someone accused you of? Being awesome. *sigh*
Have you ever kissed a brown eyed person? I have :)
Are you single? Yeah.
Who was the last person to call you? Some asian guy. Does he count <--- I'm going to leave that there because of the absurdness. :P But it was my mum.
How many colours has your hair been? 17.
So, the person you like, their name starts with an N, right? His name is Nordwick.
Who was the first person you talked to today? Nordwick...obviously.
Ever shared a bed with anyone on your top friends? Top friends...
Do you plan on sleeping in tomorrow? I have no idea what this is?
Saturday night you felt? Self reflective =/
Think back to the last person you held hands with, would you kiss them? I kind of think I already have.
When is your birthday? What are you buying me?
What's something you cannot wait for? I can't wait for nothing.
Is your hair up or down right now? Neither.
Would you be surprised if your parents had another baby together? Immensely.
Honestly, has anyone seen you in your underwear in the past three weeks? Has anyone been lurking at my window in the last three weeks. Own up...
If your parents didn't like the person you were dating, would you dump them? Course not.
If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care? I would.
When was the last time you took medicine? What counts as medicine?
Would you rather sleep all day or get up and do something productive? I like my sleep a little.
Would you live with someone without marrying them? Certainly not!
Do you think you will be married in 8 years? I'll just get my crystal balls.
Do you actually care about other's problems? Do I care about others? Umm yes, I do care, depending on the person.
Are you in a relationship? Noone ever sees past my awesomeness.
What do you think about before you go to bed? The song I'm listening to.
Do you fight with your parents all the time? I rarely fight with them at all.
Where did you sleep last night? Where didn't I?
Do you want kids? Ja.
Miss anyone right now? I guess. Where art thou Nordwick *tear*
Where is your phone? Around.
Say you were given an alcohol test right now, would you pass? I would obviously fail.
Do you swallow gum when you're done with it? I haven't eaten game in ages but I did swallow, yes.
Are all of your friends in relationships? Only if their boyfriends are imaginary.
When will be the next time you will smoke? Is never good o_O
Does it bother you when people fight in front of you? Kind of makes me laugh mostly.
Ever had a girl best friend? This question annoys me. Fuck you.
Could you go the rest of your life without a cigarette? Easy.
Do you want to see someone right now? It's 2.30 in the morning. Who on earth would I "want" to see.
What does your ninth text say? I don't believe I have 9 texts.
Will your next kiss be a mistake? God damnit I just packed my balls away.
Is the last person you kissed mad at you? I certainly hope so.
When was the last time you cried really hard, where, who with and why? You don't want to know =3.
What's your favorite colour? Turquoise, obviously.
Is it easier to forgive or forget? Revenge?
Are you listening to music right now? Yes.
Are you mean? I try my hardest.
Have you ever seen someone you knew and purposely avoided them? Oh noes, if I don't...does that mean people do it to me :(.
If you could change your eye colour, what would it be? Fluorescent pink.
Do you have a hard time admitting you're wrong? No, because I'm never wrong.
How much longer until your birthday? 17 years, 53 days.
Will next Friday be a good one? I'm just going to leave out my balls.
Connection between you and the last person who text messaged you? My mum.
Have you yelled at anyone in the past few days? Yes.
Has anyone ever told you they loved you and meant it? I'm an epic cool mind reader. I guess when I made him cry he probably did mean that he loved me.
Would you care if you saw the person you like, kissing someone else? I'm a sadist.
Are you planning on watching New Moon? I already did. When the hell was this made...
Do you remember the first time you kissed the last person you kissed? Awkwardly enough I do.
Looking back, did you ever think you would be where you're at in life now? I don't remember that far back.
Are you in a good mood? Are you reading this. Course I am :)
Is there anyone getting on your nerves at the moment? The random guy in the corner.
Have you ever walked on the beach at night? Doubt it.
Is anyone else in the room with you? "Random guy in the corner".
Do you believe what goes around comes around? Yes.
Do you hate anyone? Hate is so strong.
What's your recent drama? Hamlet?
Do you tend to get in fights? When people are douchebags
What are you thinking of doing right now? Not posting this.
Who's the last person who texted you? Shit, didn't you ask that before. My mum.
Is anyone protective over you? I'm protective of me.
Do you correct people when they make spelling mistakes on the internet? Certainly do.
Were you single on your last birthday? Yes.
Are you afraid to tell your true feelings? If you're a douchebag you'll know it.
Are you happier now? Or were you happier four months ago? I'm happy still.
When's the last time you wanted to punch someone in the face? I punched myself in the face this morning.
In the past week, have you cried? From extensive laughter.
What color is the shirt you are wearing? Skin...
If something was wrong, who's the first girl you would go to? =/.
Do you like being kissed spontaneously or asked? Spontaneously. Who the hell asks for a kiss?
Has anything happened to you in the past month that made you really mad? That last question.
Is there someone on your mind that shouldn't be? They need to find better seating.
Have you ever met someone who's amazing? Does one meet themselves?
Are you wearing jeans, shorts, sweatpants, or pajama pants? Pants.
What were you doing at 3:00pm? I was sitting on a bus.
Was it enthralling? Most definitely.
~ You guys will see the funny side of this more than my fb friends.~
Do you miss the way things used to be between you and someone else? I suppose.
Can you honestly say that things are running smoothly for you? I can say they are going alright.
What's the last thing someone accused you of? Being awesome. *sigh*
Have you ever kissed a brown eyed person? I have :)
Are you single? Yeah.
Who was the last person to call you? Some asian guy. Does he count <--- I'm going to leave that there because of the absurdness. :P But it was my mum.
How many colours has your hair been? 17.
So, the person you like, their name starts with an N, right? His name is Nordwick.
Who was the first person you talked to today? Nordwick...obviously.
Ever shared a bed with anyone on your top friends? Top friends...
Do you plan on sleeping in tomorrow? I have no idea what this is?
Saturday night you felt? Self reflective =/
Think back to the last person you held hands with, would you kiss them? I kind of think I already have.
When is your birthday? What are you buying me?
What's something you cannot wait for? I can't wait for nothing.
Is your hair up or down right now? Neither.
Would you be surprised if your parents had another baby together? Immensely.
Honestly, has anyone seen you in your underwear in the past three weeks? Has anyone been lurking at my window in the last three weeks. Own up...
If your parents didn't like the person you were dating, would you dump them? Course not.
If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care? I would.
When was the last time you took medicine? What counts as medicine?
Would you rather sleep all day or get up and do something productive? I like my sleep a little.
Would you live with someone without marrying them? Certainly not!
Do you think you will be married in 8 years? I'll just get my crystal balls.
Do you actually care about other's problems? Do I care about others? Umm yes, I do care, depending on the person.
Are you in a relationship? Noone ever sees past my awesomeness.
What do you think about before you go to bed? The song I'm listening to.
Do you fight with your parents all the time? I rarely fight with them at all.
Where did you sleep last night? Where didn't I?
Do you want kids? Ja.
Miss anyone right now? I guess. Where art thou Nordwick *tear*
Where is your phone? Around.
Say you were given an alcohol test right now, would you pass? I would obviously fail.
Do you swallow gum when you're done with it? I haven't eaten game in ages but I did swallow, yes.
Are all of your friends in relationships? Only if their boyfriends are imaginary.
When will be the next time you will smoke? Is never good o_O
Does it bother you when people fight in front of you? Kind of makes me laugh mostly.
Ever had a girl best friend? This question annoys me. Fuck you.
Could you go the rest of your life without a cigarette? Easy.
Do you want to see someone right now? It's 2.30 in the morning. Who on earth would I "want" to see.
What does your ninth text say? I don't believe I have 9 texts.
Will your next kiss be a mistake? God damnit I just packed my balls away.
Is the last person you kissed mad at you? I certainly hope so.
When was the last time you cried really hard, where, who with and why? You don't want to know =3.
What's your favorite colour? Turquoise, obviously.
Is it easier to forgive or forget? Revenge?
Are you listening to music right now? Yes.
Are you mean? I try my hardest.
Have you ever seen someone you knew and purposely avoided them? Oh noes, if I don't...does that mean people do it to me :(.
If you could change your eye colour, what would it be? Fluorescent pink.
Do you have a hard time admitting you're wrong? No, because I'm never wrong.
How much longer until your birthday? 17 years, 53 days.
Will next Friday be a good one? I'm just going to leave out my balls.
Connection between you and the last person who text messaged you? My mum.
Have you yelled at anyone in the past few days? Yes.
Has anyone ever told you they loved you and meant it? I'm an epic cool mind reader. I guess when I made him cry he probably did mean that he loved me.
Would you care if you saw the person you like, kissing someone else? I'm a sadist.
Are you planning on watching New Moon? I already did. When the hell was this made...
Do you remember the first time you kissed the last person you kissed? Awkwardly enough I do.
Looking back, did you ever think you would be where you're at in life now? I don't remember that far back.
Are you in a good mood? Are you reading this. Course I am :)
Is there anyone getting on your nerves at the moment? The random guy in the corner.
Have you ever walked on the beach at night? Doubt it.
Is anyone else in the room with you? "Random guy in the corner".
Do you believe what goes around comes around? Yes.
Do you hate anyone? Hate is so strong.
What's your recent drama? Hamlet?
Do you tend to get in fights? When people are douchebags
What are you thinking of doing right now? Not posting this.
Who's the last person who texted you? Shit, didn't you ask that before. My mum.
Is anyone protective over you? I'm protective of me.
Do you correct people when they make spelling mistakes on the internet? Certainly do.
Were you single on your last birthday? Yes.
Are you afraid to tell your true feelings? If you're a douchebag you'll know it.
Are you happier now? Or were you happier four months ago? I'm happy still.
When's the last time you wanted to punch someone in the face? I punched myself in the face this morning.
In the past week, have you cried? From extensive laughter.
What color is the shirt you are wearing? Skin...
If something was wrong, who's the first girl you would go to? =/.
Do you like being kissed spontaneously or asked? Spontaneously. Who the hell asks for a kiss?
Has anything happened to you in the past month that made you really mad? That last question.
Is there someone on your mind that shouldn't be? They need to find better seating.
Have you ever met someone who's amazing? Does one meet themselves?
Are you wearing jeans, shorts, sweatpants, or pajama pants? Pants.
What were you doing at 3:00pm? I was sitting on a bus.
Was it enthralling? Most definitely.
~ You guys will see the funny side of this more than my fb friends.~
Monday, August 23, 2010
First off, why are you doing this?
I'm slightly bored waiting for JBII to reply and some fanfiction to load.
Don’t tell me lies, have you been under the influence in the past 24 hours?
Who was the last person you physically hit?
Good question. I have absolutely no idea.
What is your opinion on late night phone calls?
Depends on the person and the reason. I'm slightly against annoying randoms calling me at strange hours though.
Have you cried in this week?
From total laughter. Does that count?
Your boyfriend buys you flowers, you say?
What do you think you did wrong this time?
Something you really want right now?
My silly essay to be marked and failed.
How many people can you trust with just about everything?
Probably like 5.
Do you currently have a hickey, if so where?
Ever had a girl best friend?
Someone says to you now, “Lets go to a party and get trashed!” you say?
"Fine. Don't get smashed, your drunk arse isn't easy to cart home."
What is in your pocket?
My ipod.
You never know what you got until you lose it? True or false?
Eh, I guess. I think however that people know exactly what they have. They merely don't realise how important it in until it is no longer there.
How’s your life lately?
It's alright.
Do you reply to all of your texts?
Who have you texted today?
I texted Sarah this morning and I'm texting Jess right now.
Do you go to the tanning bed on a regular basis?
I'd probably like fry from 3 seconds on a tanning bed.
Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you other than a family member & girlfriend/boyfriend?
There is.
Are different.
Do you have a younger sister?
Not really, but sort of.
Who is your last received call from?
My mum tried to call me.
Last movie you watched?
Not a clue. I watched parts of racing stripes not long ago.
Last night you felt?
What are you thinking about right now?
Where do you wish you were right now?
Have you ever thrown a cell phone in anger?
All the time. Fortunately my old phone used to deal with being thrown against cement. Didn't get to lucky with this one.
Did you wake up to any texts this morning,from who?
Do you keep your friends close, enemies closer?
I really just try and ignore my enemies, and when I think about it I don't spend too much time with friends either =/
Where was your fb default taken?
Umm, I think it's from Sarike's.
This is majorly personal, you ready?
Oh noes. How shall I go on...
Do you still care about your last ex?
I think he's an amazing person, and I care about him in some form.
Does anything on your body hurt right now?
Itches, but not hurts.
Has anyone had their hand in your pants today?
All 500 of my neighbours...is that bad?
Has anyone told you they loved you today?
Give me one second. Nope.
Do you like falling asleep listening to rain?
I'm not phased. If it's heavy rain it's cooler.
What is your hair looking like right now?
It's looking okay. It's tied back.
Ever been called babe/baby?
Yes *sigh*
Do you swallow gum when you’re done with it?
I haven't chewed gum in ages, but I used to.
If you could go back in time and change things, would you?
I want to change one thing, that's all. If I could, it would ruin the world.
Do you like to cuddle?
I do.
Have you ever peed while on the phone?
This is hard, I have peed while having a phone conversation, but it was a cordless phone and I left it sitting on my bed while I peed, so I don't even reckon that counts.
Any tattoos or body piercings?
My ears are pierced.
Can you read other people’s expressions?
It depends on the person and how good they are at hiding things.
Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex?
Spin the bottle.
Your last ex says leaving you was a mistake you say?
I know.
Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight?
I was awake for 37 hours straight.
Doesn’t intentionally bad grammar annoy you?
It really does.
If your parents didn’t like the person you were dating, would you lose them?
I had that situation before. In the end it was my decision and they accepted that.
Your number 1 walks out of your life, do you go after them?
They did, I didn't.
Compared to this time last year, are you happier or sadder?
I'm not sure. I was probably happier then.
Is your life falling apart or coming together?
Definitely coming together.
Will you be in a relationship in the next couple months?
I doubt it.
What were you doing at 12 last night?
I think I was watching Riannon play Mario, and refreshing the page to see who won the damned election.
Is there something that has happened in your past that you really hate talking about?
Ask me about years 7 to 10. Not only do I not remember much of it, I'm glad I don't.
Are you going to get hurt anytime soon by someone?
This question is faulted. You only get hurt if you care.
Are you older or younger than most of your friends?
Amongst my friends here I'm the middle child and back home it's the same. I pick my friends well.
Do you miss anyone?
Constantly. But I chose to leave.
What was your last thought before you went to bed last night?
Fecking essays.
On a scale of 1-10, how good of a singer are you?
Can I go negative 10?
How was your day overall?
It was fairly okay.
Are you wearing any make up right now?
Course not.
Are you nice to everyone?
I try to be. Especially when they were a douche to me.
Last voice you heard before you went to bed?
I haven't been to bed, but last night it was that of the Librivox recorders probably.
Do you feel replaced?
No. I was replaced long ago. I've come to terms with that.
What color shirt were you wearing when you had your last kiss?
I'm going to assume it was blue and black striped. But I couldn't be sure. It may have just been black.
Do you know what you want to be when you grow up?
As corny as it seems. This sums it up "When I was 5 years old, my mom always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down “happy.” They told me I didn’t understand the assignment and I told them they didn’t understand life."
What are you currently listening to?
Metro Station - Seventeen Forever.
What’s in your wallet?
Everything at the moment. It needs a major clean out.
Do you sleep with anything?
I usually hold on to a pillow while I sleep. I also sleep with headphones most nights.
What are you drinking?
I'm not drinking.
Are you an asshole?
I'm a massive asshole. At least I can admit it.
Are you afraid to stay home all alone?
Not at all.
Does the person you like, like you back?
I'm going to say no.
Has anyone licked you in the past week?
Do you plan on sleeping in tomorrow?
What's this "sleep in"...
Do you like to take walks?
I like to walk places, but when I have a purpose. I don't just walk for no reason. I should.
Can you recall the last time you liked someone a lot?
I can.
Did your last kiss take place in/on a bed?
No, it actually didn't.
Have you ever cried cause you were so mad?
I have.
Did you sleep alone last night?
Have you ever felt lonely?
Did you kiss more than 10 people in 2010?
I'm pretty sure I've kissed like one person this entire year.
How has 2010 been for you?
It's been good.
If you could go back one month and change something would you?
One month. No, I don't think so. If I could go back a week, maybe.
If you had to get a piercing (not ears) what would you get?
If I told you, you would regret this question. Trust me.
Is there anything in your room that reminds you of the past memories?
I packed all that away at the back of my closet. There is so much in front of it that I can't look at it even if I was tempted.
Are your boobs real?
Certainly are.
Can a boy and girl be friends without having feelings for each other?
They can.
If you could seek revenge on someone would you?
No, I've been there. Those people are mostly good for ignoring.
Do you think you’ll be married in ten years?
I don't know.
Did you straighten your hair this morning?
I doubt my hair could get much straighter.
Did you have a better day yesterday or today?
Can you do your ABC’s backwards?
Mostly, I make mistakes around the qrs and lmno
What would be the first thing you would do with 100,000 dollars?
Put it in my bank.
Do you remember who you had feelings for December 2009?
Certainly do.
Who are you with?
First thing you ate today?
Mac and Cheese.
What time did you go to sleep last night?
Around 2am.
Are you happy right now?
Did you cry today?
Are you taller than 5’5”?
What were you doing at 9 this morning?
I was asleep.
What color are your socks?
I'm not wearing socks.
Where is the person you last kissed at this moment?
I don't have a clue. Probably 400km's away like they should be.
Are you happier now or four months ago?
Now, I reckon.
I'm slightly bored waiting for JBII to reply and some fanfiction to load.
Don’t tell me lies, have you been under the influence in the past 24 hours?
Who was the last person you physically hit?
Good question. I have absolutely no idea.
What is your opinion on late night phone calls?
Depends on the person and the reason. I'm slightly against annoying randoms calling me at strange hours though.
Have you cried in this week?
From total laughter. Does that count?
Your boyfriend buys you flowers, you say?
What do you think you did wrong this time?
Something you really want right now?
My silly essay to be marked and failed.
How many people can you trust with just about everything?
Probably like 5.
Do you currently have a hickey, if so where?
Ever had a girl best friend?
Someone says to you now, “Lets go to a party and get trashed!” you say?
"Fine. Don't get smashed, your drunk arse isn't easy to cart home."
What is in your pocket?
My ipod.
You never know what you got until you lose it? True or false?
Eh, I guess. I think however that people know exactly what they have. They merely don't realise how important it in until it is no longer there.
How’s your life lately?
It's alright.
Do you reply to all of your texts?
Who have you texted today?
I texted Sarah this morning and I'm texting Jess right now.
Do you go to the tanning bed on a regular basis?
I'd probably like fry from 3 seconds on a tanning bed.
Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you other than a family member & girlfriend/boyfriend?
There is.
Are different.
Do you have a younger sister?
Not really, but sort of.
Who is your last received call from?
My mum tried to call me.
Last movie you watched?
Not a clue. I watched parts of racing stripes not long ago.
Last night you felt?
What are you thinking about right now?
Where do you wish you were right now?
Have you ever thrown a cell phone in anger?
All the time. Fortunately my old phone used to deal with being thrown against cement. Didn't get to lucky with this one.
Did you wake up to any texts this morning,from who?
Do you keep your friends close, enemies closer?
I really just try and ignore my enemies, and when I think about it I don't spend too much time with friends either =/
Where was your fb default taken?
Umm, I think it's from Sarike's.
This is majorly personal, you ready?
Oh noes. How shall I go on...
Do you still care about your last ex?
I think he's an amazing person, and I care about him in some form.
Does anything on your body hurt right now?
Itches, but not hurts.
Has anyone had their hand in your pants today?
All 500 of my neighbours...is that bad?
Has anyone told you they loved you today?
Give me one second. Nope.
Do you like falling asleep listening to rain?
I'm not phased. If it's heavy rain it's cooler.
What is your hair looking like right now?
It's looking okay. It's tied back.
Ever been called babe/baby?
Yes *sigh*
Do you swallow gum when you’re done with it?
I haven't chewed gum in ages, but I used to.
If you could go back in time and change things, would you?
I want to change one thing, that's all. If I could, it would ruin the world.
Do you like to cuddle?
I do.
Have you ever peed while on the phone?
This is hard, I have peed while having a phone conversation, but it was a cordless phone and I left it sitting on my bed while I peed, so I don't even reckon that counts.
Any tattoos or body piercings?
My ears are pierced.
Can you read other people’s expressions?
It depends on the person and how good they are at hiding things.
Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex?
Spin the bottle.
Your last ex says leaving you was a mistake you say?
I know.
Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight?
I was awake for 37 hours straight.
Doesn’t intentionally bad grammar annoy you?
It really does.
If your parents didn’t like the person you were dating, would you lose them?
I had that situation before. In the end it was my decision and they accepted that.
Your number 1 walks out of your life, do you go after them?
They did, I didn't.
Compared to this time last year, are you happier or sadder?
I'm not sure. I was probably happier then.
Is your life falling apart or coming together?
Definitely coming together.
Will you be in a relationship in the next couple months?
I doubt it.
What were you doing at 12 last night?
I think I was watching Riannon play Mario, and refreshing the page to see who won the damned election.
Is there something that has happened in your past that you really hate talking about?
Ask me about years 7 to 10. Not only do I not remember much of it, I'm glad I don't.
Are you going to get hurt anytime soon by someone?
This question is faulted. You only get hurt if you care.
Are you older or younger than most of your friends?
Amongst my friends here I'm the middle child and back home it's the same. I pick my friends well.
Do you miss anyone?
Constantly. But I chose to leave.
What was your last thought before you went to bed last night?
Fecking essays.
On a scale of 1-10, how good of a singer are you?
Can I go negative 10?
How was your day overall?
It was fairly okay.
Are you wearing any make up right now?
Course not.
Are you nice to everyone?
I try to be. Especially when they were a douche to me.
Last voice you heard before you went to bed?
I haven't been to bed, but last night it was that of the Librivox recorders probably.
Do you feel replaced?
No. I was replaced long ago. I've come to terms with that.
What color shirt were you wearing when you had your last kiss?
I'm going to assume it was blue and black striped. But I couldn't be sure. It may have just been black.
Do you know what you want to be when you grow up?
As corny as it seems. This sums it up "When I was 5 years old, my mom always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down “happy.” They told me I didn’t understand the assignment and I told them they didn’t understand life."
What are you currently listening to?
Metro Station - Seventeen Forever.
What’s in your wallet?
Everything at the moment. It needs a major clean out.
Do you sleep with anything?
I usually hold on to a pillow while I sleep. I also sleep with headphones most nights.
What are you drinking?
I'm not drinking.
Are you an asshole?
I'm a massive asshole. At least I can admit it.
Are you afraid to stay home all alone?
Not at all.
Does the person you like, like you back?
I'm going to say no.
Has anyone licked you in the past week?
Do you plan on sleeping in tomorrow?
What's this "sleep in"...
Do you like to take walks?
I like to walk places, but when I have a purpose. I don't just walk for no reason. I should.
Can you recall the last time you liked someone a lot?
I can.
Did your last kiss take place in/on a bed?
No, it actually didn't.
Have you ever cried cause you were so mad?
I have.
Did you sleep alone last night?
Have you ever felt lonely?
Did you kiss more than 10 people in 2010?
I'm pretty sure I've kissed like one person this entire year.
How has 2010 been for you?
It's been good.
If you could go back one month and change something would you?
One month. No, I don't think so. If I could go back a week, maybe.
If you had to get a piercing (not ears) what would you get?
If I told you, you would regret this question. Trust me.
Is there anything in your room that reminds you of the past memories?
I packed all that away at the back of my closet. There is so much in front of it that I can't look at it even if I was tempted.
Are your boobs real?
Certainly are.
Can a boy and girl be friends without having feelings for each other?
They can.
If you could seek revenge on someone would you?
No, I've been there. Those people are mostly good for ignoring.
Do you think you’ll be married in ten years?
I don't know.
Did you straighten your hair this morning?
I doubt my hair could get much straighter.
Did you have a better day yesterday or today?
Can you do your ABC’s backwards?
Mostly, I make mistakes around the qrs and lmno
What would be the first thing you would do with 100,000 dollars?
Put it in my bank.
Do you remember who you had feelings for December 2009?
Certainly do.
Who are you with?
First thing you ate today?
Mac and Cheese.
What time did you go to sleep last night?
Around 2am.
Are you happy right now?
Did you cry today?
Are you taller than 5’5”?
What were you doing at 9 this morning?
I was asleep.
What color are your socks?
I'm not wearing socks.
Where is the person you last kissed at this moment?
I don't have a clue. Probably 400km's away like they should be.
Are you happier now or four months ago?
Now, I reckon.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Some Facebook Quiz Thing.
50 Little Secrets.
Be honest no matter what. [because it is definitely important you reveal all of your secrets to facebook children].
01. Who was your last text from?
Jess I think.
02. Where was your default picture taken?
This is a facebook thing, so that one is from Sarike's, my blogger one though, is from my 18th.
03. Your relationship status?
04. Have you ever lost a close friend?
05. What is your current mood?
Slightly sleepy.
06. How many siblings do you have?
07. Whats your brother(s)/sister(s) names?
Riannon, Dayne and Katrina.
08. Where do you wish you were right now?
My nice comfy bed.
09. Have a crazy side?
I don't have a normal side.
10. Ever had a near death experience?
Ellen and I nearly got hit by lightning. :)
11. Something you do a lot?
These last few days. Maths.
12. Angry at anyone?
No, nobody deserves my anger.
13. What's stopping you from going for the person you like?
Their preference I suppose.
14. When was the last time you cried?
Last night, I was laughing so hard.
15. Is there anyone you would do anything for?
16. What you think about when you are falling asleep?.
Depends on how tired I am and what's happened that day.
17. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
Martin and Shelley...?
18. What is your favorite song?
I don't have one, it's different every week really.
19. What are you doing right now?
Talking to my mum =]
20. Who do you trust right now?
I trust everyone until they give me reason not to.
21. Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?
I'm pretty sure it came from Best and Less.
22. Have you kissed someone in the past week?
23. Who is your friend that lives closest to you?
24. Describe your life in one word?
25. Who are you thinking of right now?
The people from Uni.
26. What should you be doing right now?
Sleeping, my Uni work, anything but this really.
27. What are you listening to?
The TV.
28. Who was the last person who gave you a hug?
Rochelle I think.
29. Who was the last person who yelled at you?
Not a clue.
30. Do you act differently around the person you like?
Not really, but sort of. Simply because he's different.
31. What is your natural hair color?
32. Who was the last person to make you laugh?
Probably Jess or Riannon.
33. Who was the last person to make you sad?
I don't have a clue/
34. What do you hear?
Still the TV .
35. Is your hair curly or straight?
Completely straight.
36. Has anyone ever called you "scrumptious" before?
Haha, yes. <3
37. Do you have a best friend?
I think so...?
38. Held hands with the opposite sex in the past 3 days?
39. Do you use smiley faces on the computer?
40. Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?
Pretty sure I have.
41. Are you happy with life right now?
42. Are you currently jealous?
I have nothing to be jealous of.
43. What jewelry are you currently wearing?
I have a ring and a bracelet on.
44. What were you doing on Friday night?
I was teaching Jess math.
45. Have you ever had your heart broken?
I suppose I have.
46. Have you ever broken someone's heart?
I made him cry, so I guess.
47. Is there anybody you're really disappointed in right now?
I don't think so.
48. What was the last reason you went to the doctor for?
I had an annoying appendix.
49. How late did you stay up last night and why?
Around 1. I was up talking.
50. Have you ever dated someone longer than a year?
I'm going to say 2 people. Simply because it was like 5 days off being a year, and only because the words hadn't been spoken in person.
The Last of This "Challenge"
17. Do you want to get married one day? If so, describe your dream ready. If not, why not?
Yes. Though I couldn't describe a perfect wedding. Simply tell you that it would be far from traditional.
18. A note to the person in your family that you love the most
This is really hard, I don't love someone the most. They're all awesome. So I guess my letter would be something like.
I find you kind of awesome.
19. A note to the friend that you love the most.
Umm, I'm sorry. I guess. I should have said something. You probably haven't even noticed.
20. Your definition of the different types of love.
In what aspects. I'm going to do this my way.
There's a hell of a lot of different types of love. The love of parent to child - Mostly unbreakable. The love of two children - I believe this is cute. The love of a teenager - Infatuation. Or the love of two adults - I say unsteady. And then there is the love of an older couple- this is pretty much truly unbreakable.
Then there is the other "form" of love. And everyone has a different definition of this.
Yes. Though I couldn't describe a perfect wedding. Simply tell you that it would be far from traditional.
18. A note to the person in your family that you love the most
This is really hard, I don't love someone the most. They're all awesome. So I guess my letter would be something like.
I find you kind of awesome.
19. A note to the friend that you love the most.
Umm, I'm sorry. I guess. I should have said something. You probably haven't even noticed.
20. Your definition of the different types of love.
In what aspects. I'm going to do this my way.
There's a hell of a lot of different types of love. The love of parent to child - Mostly unbreakable. The love of two children - I believe this is cute. The love of a teenager - Infatuation. Or the love of two adults - I say unsteady. And then there is the love of an older couple- this is pretty much truly unbreakable.
Then there is the other "form" of love. And everyone has a different definition of this.
14, 15, 16
14. Your first crush, in great detail
I'm not entirely sure when it starts counting as a crush. I'll give you two stories, you decide. One, I was 7. His name was Kenneth, I wrote him a letter about how we should sneak out and have sex at the most expensive restaurant in town. It went on to say that I loved him and blah blah blah. Now I was 7, and clearly unsheltered as hell. I don't believe it counts.
However when I was 12 I had a crush on the biggest player in my primary school. He made it half way through the girls in our year. His name was Andrew. I wanted him for like 2 years. I was a total douche to him, especially when it came to his failure to bowl, it was hilarious. One time he ended up with an icepack on his penis for half a day when me and my friends stole, I can't even remember what, probably a football or something. Anyway we sat on top of the monkey bars and he failed to climb up, fell and landed on the ladder. He was awesome, though a total and utter douchebag, my best friend had a thing for him too, we pacted to not do anything about it. I'm fb friends with him now.
15. Your favorite quote about love
I don't really have a favourite. Give me a moment to hunt through my photos.
I do believe this perfectly sums things up.
16. Your favorite movie about love
I Love You Too. Or Love Actually. Both are utterly amazing. So is Shelter. So there's 3. They are all awesome in different ways. One should check them all out.
I'm not entirely sure when it starts counting as a crush. I'll give you two stories, you decide. One, I was 7. His name was Kenneth, I wrote him a letter about how we should sneak out and have sex at the most expensive restaurant in town. It went on to say that I loved him and blah blah blah. Now I was 7, and clearly unsheltered as hell. I don't believe it counts.
However when I was 12 I had a crush on the biggest player in my primary school. He made it half way through the girls in our year. His name was Andrew. I wanted him for like 2 years. I was a total douche to him, especially when it came to his failure to bowl, it was hilarious. One time he ended up with an icepack on his penis for half a day when me and my friends stole, I can't even remember what, probably a football or something. Anyway we sat on top of the monkey bars and he failed to climb up, fell and landed on the ladder. He was awesome, though a total and utter douchebag, my best friend had a thing for him too, we pacted to not do anything about it. I'm fb friends with him now.
15. Your favorite quote about love
I don't really have a favourite. Give me a moment to hunt through my photos.
I do believe this perfectly sums things up.
16. Your favorite movie about love
I Love You Too. Or Love Actually. Both are utterly amazing. So is Shelter. So there's 3. They are all awesome in different ways. One should check them all out.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Question 11-13
11. Your dream first date
Does picnicking in the rain count?
12. Top 10 Favorite Love songs'
I can't even say I have a top 1. Bah.
13. A song you’d want to hear at your wedding
When A Bloke Gets Married - Martin Oakes.
Does picnicking in the rain count?
12. Top 10 Favorite Love songs'
I can't even say I have a top 1. Bah.
13. A song you’d want to hear at your wedding
When A Bloke Gets Married - Martin Oakes.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Question 9. Letter 2
09. A letter to your most recent love
My most recent love was about 2 years ago. But if you want a letter to him I honestly wouldn't know what to say.
You know everything, I haven't hidden anything from you, ever. Even if it ultimately ruined everything. You should have been there, I should have told you that then. It should never have been him that night. I think you know that. Thankyou for that night, we should have done it again. We should do it again. I can honestly say I miss you. Your humour, and that you don't care. I could tell you everything, and you used to ask. I hope you go well in your exams, I honestly do. <3
My most recent love was about 2 years ago. But if you want a letter to him I honestly wouldn't know what to say.
You know everything, I haven't hidden anything from you, ever. Even if it ultimately ruined everything. You should have been there, I should have told you that then. It should never have been him that night. I think you know that. Thankyou for that night, we should have done it again. We should do it again. I can honestly say I miss you. Your humour, and that you don't care. I could tell you everything, and you used to ask. I hope you go well in your exams, I honestly do. <3
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Question 8.
08. A letter to your first love
I, you can't be everything. It's not possible. The world isn't yours, in fact, it's his. It probably always will be. I miss you, but I can't love you. Please stop asking me to do the impossible, and please, enjoy her, as she seems to enjoy you. What happened to you? You became so hateful. Listen to this. Perhaps read this. Both of these songs remind me of you. (I love writing this on the internet). Where'd you go wrong? Actually don't answer that. You became like him. Everything that I hate. You should have stayed the same. I needed you. Yet I can't blame it all on you. I'm sorry. Are you?
I, you can't be everything. It's not possible. The world isn't yours, in fact, it's his. It probably always will be. I miss you, but I can't love you. Please stop asking me to do the impossible, and please, enjoy her, as she seems to enjoy you. What happened to you? You became so hateful. Listen to this. Perhaps read this. Both of these songs remind me of you. (I love writing this on the internet). Where'd you go wrong? Actually don't answer that. You became like him. Everything that I hate. You should have stayed the same. I needed you. Yet I can't blame it all on you. I'm sorry. Are you?
Monday, August 2, 2010
The Results
These are the results to that quiz thing. Apparently clicking on the link doesn't seem to work. Enjoy...
Test Results:
Percent | Language | Score | |
| Words of Affirmation | 7 | |
| Quality Time | ||
8 | |||
| Receiving Gifts | ||
| Acts of Service | 3 | |
| Physical Touch | 12 |
Question 7
07. Your first kiss
Of course this was on here. However, I'm going to send you elsewhere for the answer.
I wrote this for a TMI Thursday a while back. That describes my first kiss to perfection. You even get sound effects. What's not to love.
Of course this was on here. However, I'm going to send you elsewhere for the answer.
I wrote this for a TMI Thursday a while back. That describes my first kiss to perfection. You even get sound effects. What's not to love.
Go With Her
Questions 2 through 6. I mainly did it like this because I'm lazy and hadn't checked my blogroll in a few days.
02. What is your dream person like?
I don't have a 'dream' person. I generally don't go for anyone in particular, not that I notice. However, I can tell you that they are all alike in certain ways. My dream person, is generally some uber hot nerd. Does that even make sense. Gah, I can't even describe it, think Lawsper, maybe.
03. Your definition of love.
04. A picture that shows your definition of love
It's a tie between these two. One uses words while the other is merely showing.

05. Go to this site: http://www.afo.net/hftw-lovetest.asp;and take the quiz about love languages. Post your results. Were you surprised by this?
I don't know if this will work, but here http://www.afo.net/hftw-loveTestResults.asp
Surprised, no. Only a small bit that I got anything for some of those things.
06. Your first love, in great detail.
I'm not sure what to write for this. I can honestly tell you I proclaimed I was in love when I was 7, then again when I was 11. And then when I was 13. None of these were love. Not to me. Nothing was. But nonetheless I will tell you about JB, he was when I was 14. In great detail. JB was a son of one of my mother's friends, who just happened to invade my bowling space and bring his girlfriend with him. We became best friends, we used to have water fights at school, he's the reason I got in trouble for coming in to class soaking wet, he's also the reason I may have flashed a security guard. After many a late night phone call we decided we'd try our hand at dating, we lasted 3 weeks, we broke up on my birthday. It didn't end there though, we went back to being friends and tried dating two more times. It was somewhat inevitable I suppose, you can't spend late nights through constant talking and telling someone everything without falling, and fall we did, 15 months later we came out of a whirlwind of emotion and frustration. In great detail, he was amazing, it was amazing. He was probably the best friend a person could ask for, and he dealt with me.
02. What is your dream person like?
I don't have a 'dream' person. I generally don't go for anyone in particular, not that I notice. However, I can tell you that they are all alike in certain ways. My dream person, is generally some uber hot nerd. Does that even make sense. Gah, I can't even describe it, think Lawsper, maybe.
03. Your definition of love.
04. A picture that shows your definition of love
It's a tie between these two. One uses words while the other is merely showing.

05. Go to this site: http://www.afo.net/hftw-lovetest.asp;and take the quiz about love languages. Post your results. Were you surprised by this?
I don't know if this will work, but here http://www.afo.net/hftw-loveTestResults.asp
Surprised, no. Only a small bit that I got anything for some of those things.
06. Your first love, in great detail.
I'm not sure what to write for this. I can honestly tell you I proclaimed I was in love when I was 7, then again when I was 11. And then when I was 13. None of these were love. Not to me. Nothing was. But nonetheless I will tell you about JB, he was when I was 14. In great detail. JB was a son of one of my mother's friends, who just happened to invade my bowling space and bring his girlfriend with him. We became best friends, we used to have water fights at school, he's the reason I got in trouble for coming in to class soaking wet, he's also the reason I may have flashed a security guard. After many a late night phone call we decided we'd try our hand at dating, we lasted 3 weeks, we broke up on my birthday. It didn't end there though, we went back to being friends and tried dating two more times. It was somewhat inevitable I suppose, you can't spend late nights through constant talking and telling someone everything without falling, and fall we did, 15 months later we came out of a whirlwind of emotion and frustration. In great detail, he was amazing, it was amazing. He was probably the best friend a person could ask for, and he dealt with me.
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